York Street Improvements

Fuss & O’Neill provided the engineering for the reconstruction of Route 1A (York Street) to address the deteriorated street condition, improve the stormwater drainage system, and upgrade pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Improvements to the intersection at Organug Road and York Street were included to alleviate congestion from school and seasonal traffic.

We completed investigations for potential improvements to the intersection, with evaluation of five options for traffic control. Additional turning lanes were also recommended for the signalized and stop controlled options. Street improvements included formalizing gravel shoulders and striping the roadway at 11-foot travel lanes with 5-foot shoulders, to improve safety. In addition, sidewalk and crosswalk reconstruction was included to meet ADA standards.

Fuss & O’Neill evaluated the existing drainage system, recommending replacement of deteriorated elements, improvements, as needed, to address flooding concerns, and additional structures to improve collection. Neighborhood meetings, coordination with abutter, and presentations to the Town Board of Selectmen were also included.