Roundabout Design

Roundabouts are a proven safety countermeasure. By reducing speeds and conflict points, roundabouts increase vehicular and pedestrian safety; reduce maintenance costs; decrease emissions and severity of crashes; improve access to businesses, tourist attractions, and other points of interest; and ease connectivity to roadways, sidewalks, and trails.
Fuss & O’Neill has extensive experience designing roundabouts. Our traffic and transportation engineers provide context-sensitive design solutions that are mindful of the site’s size, geometric curvature, proper signage/markings, multimodal accommodations, and overall project goals.
Roundabout projects lend themselves to integration of improved multimodal options and community enhancement possibilities. Our transportation engineers partner with our landscape architects to integrate public spaces, gateway features, streetscape improvements, and lighting to enhance safety. Our experience in the Northeast yields an adept understanding of funding opportunities, and we have helped our clients receive the funding they need to turn their ideas into reality.