Complete Streets

Inclusivity is a core tenant of Fuss & O’Neill’s transportation design approach. Complete streets serve the needs of all users, create livable/multimodal communities, promote economic development, and accommodate traffic without sacrificing character.
Fuss & O’Neill’s transportation engineers implement complete streets philosophies and designs throughout the Northeast, balancing safety, connectivity, and aesthetics. We understand that providing safe multimodal opportunities requires clear delineation of space, accessibility for all users, development of a sense of place, speed control, and advance communication to travelers.
We work with our clients to first understand their goals, factor in these complete streets guidelines, and evaluate the existing space before formulating a context-sensitive design. As a multidisciplinary firm, we offer our clients the benefit of our landscape architects (who design special sidewalk treatments, ornamental lighting to improve safety, pocket parks, and amenities such as furniture and planters) and our water and natural resource specialists (who create green stormwater infrastructure strategies to reduce stormwater discharges, combined sewer overflows, and pollutant loads). The result is a comprehensive project that serves and improves the entire community.