Greenways and Multi-use Trails

Greenways and multi-use trails create opportunities: they repurpose under-used land, connect underserved communities by providing equitable access to resources and opportunities, provide sustainable alternative transportation, and promote healthier lifestyles through walking and cycling. They foster community engagement and an enhanced quality of life, and are beneficial to both municipalities and residents.
Fuss & O’Neill works directly with municipalities to transform their visions into inviting spaces for cyclists, walkers, runners, and those with special needs. As a multidisciplinary firm, we provide a streamlined approach to reduce the overall project timeline, offering environmental, resilience, site/civil, landscape architecture, and natural resource specialists in addition to our transportation engineering support. This ensures adherence to local and state guidelines for design and regulatory compliance.
Trails are typically located in environmentally-sensitive areas and require permitting at the state and federal levels, archaeological investigations, protection of natural resources (including endangered species and plant habitat), and compatibility with the natural landscape. As proponents of sustainability, we seek re-use and refurbishment opportunities and use natural, local, and sustainable materials whenever possible. Our designs work within naturally-given parameters, prioritize safety and practicality, and are a reflection of a community’s environment and people.