Wieland Rolled Products North America, LLC – Title V Permit Renewal

two people in safety vests standing next to building

Wieland Rolled Products North America, LLC (Wieland) is the leading manufacturer and converter of copper and copper-alloy sheet, strip, foil, tube, and fabricated components in North America. Fuss & O’Neill has been providing Wieland with support services to maintain compliance with record keeping and monitoring requirements for many years.

manufacturing facility

To assist with the renewal of their Title V Operating Permit, Fuss & O’Neill has:

  • Gathered appropriate information on air emissions sources throughout the facility.
  • Prepared computations on the facility’s actual and potential emissions.
  • Worked with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to outline the compliance obligations in their permit.

The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA) require that each state develop a Title V operating permit program to permit major sources of air pollution and other sources subject to federal Clean Air Act requirements. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Management, has established the Title V operating permit program codified in the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA) 22a-174-33.

Wieland received their operating permit, which is a facility-wide permit, bringing all applicable air pollution control requirements together into a single document.

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