Mechanic Street Parking Lot Green Infrastructure

Fuss & O’Neill provided planning, design, permitting, and construction administration services related to the development of a new municipal parking lot and stormwater green infrastructure project on Mechanic Street in downtown Spencer. Funding for the project was secured through a FY19 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program Action Grant.

The green infrastructure elements of this project include an internal bioswale to capture and treat parking lot runoff, a roadside bioswale to manage runoff from a portion of Mechanic Street, and a subsurface infiltration system below the parking lot to store and infiltrate runoff associated with the existing and projected future 100-year design storm under a climate change scenario. The project will be visible to the public, and will provide a needed stormwater management benefit while allowing for educational outreach and a public green space as part of its everyday use.

This site was chosen as an ideal candidate for Green Infrastructure due to the project’s location within the downtown core and the lack of any stormwater controls within this area.

This site was specifically identified as part of the Town-wide Green Infrastructure evaluation performed as part of the Spencer/Charlton FY18 MVP Action Grant. Fuss & O’Neill was the consultant for the previous MVP Planning and Action Grants.