Parking Garage Emergency Assessment and Repairs

Fuss & O’Neill performed an emergency inspection of a two-level steel framed parking structure and determined that the concrete deck and steel framing were failing in the travel lanes at one of the entrances.

Based on these initial results, Fuss & O’Neill developed and directed the installation of a temporary shoring system to stabilize the deck. We designed permanent repairs to the parking structure, which included sampling, testing, and sounding of concrete to identify areas of non-visible deterioration. We constructed a new approach ramp and replaced the asphalt paving.

The emergency repairs included the removal and replacement of the existing concrete deck, strengthening of the existing steel framing, and installation of new end supports for the beams.  The roadway was part of the mall’s primary bus route and the entire roadway could not be closed during the repairs; therefore, the project was constructed in two phases, one-half of the roadway at a time.

The entire project was performed by Fuss & O’Neill, which included a Design-Build project for the mall. In addition to designing the repairs, we solicited bids from contractors and managed the construction process.