Park Street Elevated Storage Tank Replacement

Fuss & O’Neill teamed with the Belchertown
Water District and the Town of Belchertown to provide engineering design, permitting, and construction phase services for two resilience projects.

The Town was awarded an FY20 MVP Action Grant to implement elements of two resilience projects:

  • Design and permitting of the replacement of the iconic Park Street elevated water storage tank to increase storage capacity and resilience to drought.
  • Feasibility study and conceptual design of the rainwater harvesting and reuse system at the Belchertown High School.

The tank replacement project includes improvements to the municipal parking lot that is adjacent to the tank, which will incorporate green stormwater practices that will enhance water quality and provide significant opportunities for public education and outreach at this highly visible site in the Town center. The Town and the Water District also propose to implement a rainwater harvesting system at Belchertown High School to irrigate the athletic fields, which would reduce public water use during periods of peak demand.