Lynch Family Skate Park

Fuss & O’Neill, Inc. and Fuss & O’Neill Manufacturing Solutions collaborated to support the creation of this unique skateboarding park.

We conducted real-time particulate matter (PM-10) monitoring during excavation activities and collected representative ambient air samples (i.e., fence-line air monitoring) that were analyzed on site for total airborne fiber concentrations (to be compared with the PEL for asbestos in air). We performed background air sampling and dust monitoring one week prior to soil disturbance to obtain site data to compare to measurements collected during site excavation work and evaluate the fluctuations in dust levels.

Through community meetings, more than 400 local skaters and skateboarding professionals contributed ideas for the skate park’s design.

Fuss & O’Neill and Manufacturing Solutions also prepared the site-specific Health and Safety Plan and conducted two-hour Asbestos Awareness training for the General Contractor, ValleyCrest Landscape Development.