LOTCIP Greenwich Avenue Corridor Improvements and Roundabout Design

Fuss & O’Neill developed conceptual plan alternatives to improve traffic safety and flow, pedestrian circulation, and the streetscape throughout the corridor limits.

We reviewed operations, safety, and capacity at 13 intersections within the study area and assessed existing conditions parking demand and turnover on the study corridors. Traffic capacity analysis and a simulation model were developed for the study area. Three conceptual alignment alternatives, intersection improvement options, and cost estimates were prepared. Ultimately, a preferred consensus alternative was chosen at the completion of the public involvement process, which included a corridor streetscape enhancement, roundabout intersection and gateway feature, waterfront overlooks, and urban multi-use pedestrian and biking path.

Final design services for the preferred alternative include:

  • reconstruction/realignment of Greenwich Avenue and Davenport Street
  • permanent easements and property takings
  • streetscape enhancements
  • signalized intersections with audible pedestrian signals
  • street lighting improvements and crosswalk treatments
  • reconstruction of the Greenwich Avenue/Pulaski Street/O&G Industries Drive intersection with a new roundabout
  • multi-use path along Greenwich Avenue and Davenport Street
  • two waterfront overlook locations