Great Creek Tide Gates and Outlet Structure at Silver Sands Beach

The Great Creek self-regulating tide gates and outlet structure were installed in 1985 to improve flood control while providing better salt water inundation of the upstream tidal marsh to restore the marsh. While successful at these objectives, the outlet structure cut off normal transport of sand via wind and water, thus causing erosion on the downdrift side of the outlet structure.

The Fuss & O’Neill/Woods Hole Group team completed a detailed numerical model of coastal shoreline dynamics to evaluate options to improve conditions on the beach. Fuss & O’Neill investigated and design replacement training walls for the Great Creek channel that were damaged in successive coastal storms. We extended the existing concrete box culvert outlet structure and refurbished the tide gate structure which prevents flooding of inland areas. Geotechnical services included foundation soils investigation and design of replacement sheeting for the channel training wall.