El Paso Corridor Enhancements

To provide safe connectivity from Downtown Russellville to the Arkansas Tech campus, the City of Russellville contracted Fuss & O’Neill to design corridor enhancements along Russellville Avenue.

To create a multi-modal connector, we designed a complete streets concept that included cycle tracks, sidewalks, a roundabout, and specialty illumination. Specialty streetscape features included low maintenance plantings within the vegetated strips between the roadway and the cycle tracks, as well as between the cycle tracks and the sidewalks.

As a large portion of the corridor south was encumbered by floodplain, the design was cognizant of Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA permitting processes. Existing drainage issues were evaluated and the system was upgraded in accordance with the City’s Stormwater Management Design Manual.

The project area required mill and overlay pavement rehabilitation. Rain gardens and innovative stormwater management were included.