Downtown Traffic and Pedestrian Improvements

This project incorporates two funding sources administered by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) under the Transportation Enhancement and Section 1702 Federal Funding Designated Project programs at a total value of $4.25 million.

Fuss & O’Neill first prepared a Traffic and Pedestrian Study to prioritize projects, the first of which involved improving safety for vehicles and pedestrians on South Street, from Union Square to the railroad crossing between Clinton and Lincoln Streets. Significant truck traffic and the narrow nature of the corridor resulted in multiple vehicular impacts with utility poles. Roadway reconstruction included the use of asphalt-injected reclaiming technology. Crumbling underground infrastructure discovered during construction was also replaced. Overhead utilities were relocated underground which made for a much more attractive gateway to the town center.

Improvements included widening roadways, sidewalk reconstruction, lighting, intersection turning radius, and aesthetic updates.

Utility poles previously located on the curb line were relocated for better driver and pedestrian visibility and safety.