Windsor Locks Complete Streets

Fuss & O’Neill was contracted by the Town of Windsor Locks to create its first public infrastructure investment in its downtown area. This project will provide safe, multi-modal connectivity to a relocated station site, will support regional trail networks, and will blend with the historic/cultural features of the Town.

The project redistributed the wide travel lanes to create a Complete Street, connecting the station to regional bike systems, on-street parking, wide multi-use sidewalks, and public gathering spaces through multi-use bike paths, wayfinding, and streetscape improvements. Coordination with local authorities, stakeholders, and CTDOT was an important part of the process to ensure that the project met its goal of increasing area economic development.

The streetscape improvements include painted bike lanes, decorative sidewalks and paths, benches, and reclaimed steel rail edging and concrete paver banding.

Meetings with the public allowed the design team to understand the true pitfalls of the area and how to rectify them in a safe, thoughtful manner.