Mansfield Middle School Electric to Gas Fuel Conversion

Power technology has advanced dramatically over the past generation, but many older buildings still rely on old, outdated power and thermal equipment. This project involved the merging and updating of a power plant constructed in 1968 with an addition built in the 1990’s.

Fuss & O’Neill designed and developed a new heating and ventilation system utilizing a gas-fired cogeneration unit to provide electricity and hot water for the heating system. The system, which was developed on the footprint of the original power equipment and utilizes much of the original infrastructure, uses cutting-edge energy recovery technology and demand ventilations control to significantly reduce the amount of fuel needed to heat and cool the building. The system’s modern condensing boiler technology also provides extraordinary efficiency during off-peak hours. The resulting power plant is more reliable, efficient, and sustainable. The switch to a  natural gas system has saved the owner tens of thousands of dollars in fuel costs.