Love’s Travel Stops On-site Wastewater Treatment and Dispersal System

Love’s Travel Stops is the nation’s leading travel stop network with 644 Love’s locations in 42 states. To help open their first location in Connecticut, Interstate 84 in Willington, Love’s Travel Stops hired Fuss & O’Neill to provide design and permitting services.
Fuss & O’Neill’s wastewater engineers assisted with a unique treatment system and subsurface dispersal system for the wastewater produced at the facility. It is one of the most complex subsurface systems in the State of Connecticut, utilizing 13 feet of engineered fill above an impermeable liner on a steep slope that discharges adjacent to a sensitive stream.
The treatment system includes an Amphidrome® system that treats the wastewater produced at the store before discharging the treated wastewater to a constructed subsurface dispersal system that was installed along a hill just south of the store and parking facility.
The system went through a long permitting period as Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) staff reviewed the intricate details of the treatment system, the subsurface dispersal system, and the environmental elements surrounding the system to confirm that it met the intent of the discharge requirements necessary. The process involved public hearings in which the system was presented, and responses and modifications were made to address questions from the public before ultimately being approved.
Fuss & O’Neill provided multidisciplinary support to execute this project. Our team included site/civil, structural, electrical, and mechanical engineers to address the process elements needed for the overall treatment and dispersal system.
Additionally, we provided support during construction. Construction was managed by an overall Love’s Travel Stops Construction Manager and our team provided construction administration services that included review of equipment submittals, requests for information, and minor changes. We provided resident representation to observe installation of the system and to confirm that the system met the contract documents and permit requirements.
The project was the culmination of 13 years of permitting, design, and construction of a very complicated facility that incorporated wastewater treatment, groundwater supply and treatment, and travel services. The site includes a general store, two restaurants, and enhanced restroom facilities.