Diane Mas

Chief Resilience and Sustainability Officer

Diane integrates sustainability and resilience efforts across diverse technical teams.

She has been the driving force behind the firm’s measured steps to the establishment of science-based targets for greenhouse gas emissions, incorporation of sustainability and climate into strategic business development, the investment in resilience and sustainability-related training and professional development for staff, and the engagement of employees to make operations more sustainable.

Diane developed and oversees the implementation of the company’s Sustainability Policy. She has fostered an environment that makes resilience and sustainability integral natural parts of project planning and execution to create long-term, shared value for our clients and our communities by meeting the needs of the present while working towards an environmentally-, socially-, and economically-sustainable future.

My work supports communities, businesses, and organizations adapt to, and mitigate the impacts of, climate change and promote sustainable development using sound science, forward-thinking planning, and innovative engineering.

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