Statewide Municipal Stormwater Technical Assistance

Fuss & O’Neill was contracted by the Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition (CMRSWC) to provide municipal stormwater technical assistance materials to help Massachusetts municipalities implement the 2016 MS4 Permit. The project was funded with a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

Project deliverables included a training workshop for municipal staff responsible for compliance with the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination requirements and Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention requirements of the 2016 MS4 Permit, as well as a series of short and long-format training videos on various aspects of the MS4 Permit. We also developed written guidance materials including a sample written IDDE Plan, a sample municipal facility SWPPP, a sample maintenance plan for stormwater BMPs, and web resources on municipal code review checklists, stormwater bylaws, and stormwater retrofits.