Hotchkiss School Improvement Projects

Fuss & O’Neill has been providing the Hotchkiss School with a multitude of civil engineering services for more than 15 years. Services have included traffic/transportation, permitting, environmental studies, site design, field drainage, stormwater management, and land surveying.

We initially performed the site design of two new dormitories: Flinn Hall and Edelman Hall. Recently, for the new 40,000 gsf Redlich Hall, we completed the grading, site prep plan, and erosion/sedimentation controls. Furthermore, we redesigned the existing entrance roadway, provided new utilities to the new building, and designed a stormwater management system that uses low-impact development techniques.

As part of heating system upgrades, we prepared a schematic site utility plan for the proposed hot water lines from Walker Auditorium to Dana Hall and Garland Hall. This project included preparation of construction documents and construction administration.