Pawcatuck River Watershed Flood Resiliency Management Plan

Fuss & O’Neill assessed the vulnerability of the 317-square-mile Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed to inland flooding. Information from these assessments guided development of a watershed-based management plan to enhance flood resilience and strengthen natural ecosystems within eleven communities in Connecticut and Rhode Island.

More than 500 bridges, culverts and dams in the watershed were assessed by Fuss & O’Neill staff for hydraulic, structural and ecologic adequacy and were prioritized for improvement, replacement or removal. Each structure was assessed using four criteria to assign priority ratings for repair/replacement.

The management plan for this climate resiliency project involves assessing the watershed for vulnerability to flooding and erosion, and developing management recommendations and conceptual designs to protect and enhance the resiliency of watershed communities to increased flood flows and to restore aquatic ecosystems. The watershed plan identifies projects and provides tools to inform decision making within the watershed. Technical evaluations include stream/river channel geomorphic assessments, infrastructure adequacy, natural resources inventories, green infrastructure assessments, and land use regulatory reviews.