Coastal Hazard Analysis & Resiliency Evaluation

Fuss & O’Neill performed a climate resiliency engineering evaluation of eight critical water and wastewater facilities as part of a Coastal Hazard Resiliency Analysis for the Town of Mattapoisett, Massachusetts.

During our engineering evaluation for the Town, we recorded elevations at the facilities, and reviewed their exterior components and critical equipment. Floor plans were developed for the facilities, manufacturer information for critical equipment was documented, and deficiencies and concerns were identified for items that could be damaged or lost during a flood event.

The Coastal Hazard Analysis included storm surge modeling (using the SLOSH model); wave action modeling (WHAFIS model) to assess and visualize the critical areas; and a shoreline change assessment (DSAS) for a critical sewer crossing. Budgetary opinions of cost for the recommended measures were presented to the client.

Eel Pond Wastewater Pump Station – This critical facility handles wastewater from a large section of the Town.  Its close proximity to the shoreline exposes it to potential flooding and damage.  We have recommended raising critical equipment or installing a barrier wall to protect the facility against flooding.