Bride Brook Restoration

Fuss & O’Neill developed design plans for the replacement of existing failing culverts with a new box culvert and dune and beach restoration.

The objective for this climate resiliency project was to open the channel at Bride Brook in Rocky Neck State Park to restore the tidal regime and anadromous fish passage of the Bride Brook Estuary, working with numerous entities, including: Woods Hole Group; Save the Sound; Restore America’s Estuaries; NOAA Restoration Center; CTDEEP State Parks Division – Rocky Neck State Park; NRCS; USFWS; CTDEEP Office of Long Island Sound Projects; and CTDEEP Inland Fisheries

Plans were designed for the replacement of a failing undersized culverts with a box culvert that would allow free movement of tide water in and out of the salt water estuary and maintain water levels suitable for anadromous fish passage upstream through the culvert.